Ships, Pirates and WildWest Terrain for 28mm Gamers

Ships, Pirates and WildWest Terrain for 28mm Gamers
Realistic, prepainted, miniature ships, buildings & accessories in 28mm scale. Based around Pirates - but suitable for multiple Genres.
Setting: Pirates, 28mm
July 2014, Manor, TX, US
Here is only preview of the project. See full info, rewards and updates on main project page.
Project start: 8 July 2014
Project end: 8 August 2014
Last update: 31 January 2017
Next update: ~ Never (we think)

Last project rescan: 5 years 7 months ago. Project finalized (freezed).


CompanyRenaissance Miniatures
Game / CollectionTerrain


Interactive timeline of CFProject. Use your mouse to move and zoom.