Imperial Guard

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The Imperial Guard is made up of countless billions of troops drawn from the best and fiercest warriors of every inhabited planet in the Imperium. It is the backbone of the Imperial military machine, fighting on thousands of fronts to beat off invading aliens, stamp out rebellions, and conquer newlydiscovered planets.

Each Imperial Guard Regiment bears the name of its homeworld and the number of its raising. The trooper shown here is from the 5th Arcadian Regiment. The Regiment number is displayed on the unit badge, whose two-coloured background indicates that the trooper is from the Second Platoon. The company letter, framed by stylised Imperial eagle wings, is on the left shoulder. Red tactical squad symbols are on the helmet and right arm. The winged heart is an award for bravery, and personal touches include symbols of the Arcadian Spider Cult and the common addition of kill-stripes on the lasgun barrel.

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