Holy Roman Empire - Zeppelinjägers

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The fast moving special infantry of the Empire, Zeppelinjägers deploy from above to hunt down special targets or strike at weak points in the line.


- This set allows you to build units of Zeppelinjägers for Marcher: Empires at War, deployed with assault rifles or pistols and swords. Additionally, parts are provided that allow for assembly into sniper teams or with plasma guns and panzerfausts.

-- These figures are intended to be mounted to 32mm bases.

--- This set comes with both supported and unsupported versions, making sure that we'll get you on the battlefield quickly! Additionally, the .lys files are provided, allowing your to optimize the supports for your specific machine.

Нет описания на русском языке. Любой может его добавить, но пока не дошли руки.

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