Steam Warmonger Mektank Pack

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The Steam Warmongers are the remotely-controlled mech walkers of the Ironwrought Brigade's vanguard corps. Larger and more heavily armoured than their smaller Sentinel counterparts, the Warmongers are designed to either hit particular spots in an enemy's defense line hard and soak return fire, or else to provide cover as they tower over their smaller kin.

The Mektank configuration is primarily used for blitzing enemy lines by rolling in on these specially constructed treads, allowing the Warmonger to cruise in at over 60 km/h on flat ground. These also provide far more protection to their overall design, as the individual legs are now replaced with a highly armoured carrier unit.

These models have been built with socket/ball connections for the shoulders, weapon arms and hips, allowing for a high level of articulation when posing.

This pack comes with the following modular parts:

- Chassis (x2 variants)

- Treads (x2 variants)

- Pre-built configuration

Note: You will require any of the other Warmonger Packs/Heroes to get the full experience of this expansion pack, as it does not contain arms/shoulders (besides the pre-built version)

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